Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book my stay at the Hotel LunaSol?

Book directly with us using one of these options:

Where can I get the best rate for Hotel LunaSol?

We have a better price guaranteed policy. Therefore, if you get a better price else where than on our website for the same room category, same dates and conditions, email us at: with proof of this better rate.
If, after verification, the rate is in fact lower, we will match it and give you an additional 5% discount. The rate must be in USD dollars, which is the official currency we use for online bookings. (Up to a maximum of   50 USD less than the total rate of stay).

Where is Hotel LunaSol located?

Hotel LunaSol is located downtown Playa del Carmen, in themunicipality of Solidaridad, heart of the Mayan Riviera.
Address: Hotel LunaSol, #169, 4th Street between 15th and 20th Av., Playa del Carmen, Centro, Solidaridad, Q. Roo, Mexico.
We are only a 4 minutes walk from the famous 5th Avenue and a 5 minute walk to the beach.

How do I get from Cancun Airport to Hotel LunaSol?

You can travel by bus with ADO company:
You can book your private transport from 72 USD directly with us via our booking platform at the time of booking or by email at:
We recommend to use a taxi service only in case of emergency as the rates of this service are very high. About 80 USD

Does the hotel have parking?

Yes, we have 5 parking spaces at no extra cost. There is also a private parking lot in front of the hotel with extra charges.

Does the Hotel LunaSol have a breakfast service?

We have an agreement with a Mexican restaurant justa short walk from the hotel. The service is available with additional cost. This service can be booked at the time of booking or directly at the hotel reception.

Where can I buy tours/TOURS?

You can buy your tours/activities online during your booking process on our platform or directly at the hotel reception.

How do I change or cancel a reservation?

For bookings made on our platform, you can log in to your booking and make changes or cancellations. In addition, you can email us with your request at or call us at +52 984 873 3933.

If you have made your reservation by email or phone directly with the hotel, you can email us at or call us at +52 984 873 3933.

If you have booked through a travel agency or website outside ours, please contact the travel agency or customer service department of the website directly.

Unfortunately, due to the contracts we have with them, it is impossible for us to make changes to your booking without the permission of the agency.

Does Hotel LunaSol offer flexible cancellation policies?

To accomodate all types of travellers, we offer 2 differents rates and the option to buy insurance* – which allows for booking cancellation up to 24 hours before your arrival date.

  1. A) Regular rate: – Free cancellation up to 7 days before check-in. For cancellations made between your arrival date and 7 days before your arrival: A penalty corresponding to 100% of the stay will apply.
  2. B) Economic rate: non-refundable, no possibility of cancellation.

*The non-refundable rate does not apply. This insurance must be purchased at the time of booking. Please check the terms and conditions when booking.

Are discounts available?

We have different types of discounts available on our booking platform: discounts for early bookings (6 months before your arrival date), for extended stays (31 days or more) etc. If a discount applies for your stay, the option will appear when you make your reservation on our platform.

How far are the differents parks from Hotel LunaSol?

  • Xcaret, Xplor and Xenses: 7 km
  • Jungala Water Park and Cirque du Soleil La Joya: 22 km
  • Xel-Ha: 47 km
  • Xoximilco and Xavage: 49 km
  • Tulum Archaeological Area: 59 km
  • Archaeological Area of Coba: 108 km
  • Chichen Itza Archaeological Area: 198 km with tolls or 250 km

What is the recommended currency?

Mexican pesos or U.S. dollars are accepted everywhere. However, the exchange rate applied depends on each trade. Therefore, to avoid surprises, it is recommended to pay with Mexican pesos. Credit or debit cards are accepted at most tourist stores.

How far is Hotel LunaSol from the airport?

The hotel is located 55 km south of Cancun International Airport (CUN).

What categories of rooms are available and what are the differences?

We offer standard and deluxe rooms. Unlike standard rooms, the deluxe offers a spacious and modern bathroom with luxurious finishes and the ability to hang clothes or wetsuits in the shower. Located upstairs, these rooms have cathedral ceilings and balconies. We have 1 deluxe room on the ground floor for people who can’t climb stairs. We recommend the deluxe room for divers so they can let their equipment dry on the balcony or shower.